Houseplant Inspiration

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Houseplant inspirations

How to care for your inspirations

Benefits of keeping houseplants

Houseplants have recently become very popular, particularly with millennials and are the fashionable choice for many interior designers. As well as looking great, plants remove carbon (of which they are made of) from the air, produce oxygen, can filter some toxins in the air as suggested by a large NASA study, increase humidity levels and have even been shown to benefit our mental health. 

My Top Houseplant Inspirations

Dr Hopkins-Galloway has included some unique and interesting plant ideas with some information relating to their origins, botanical names and care. Do not worry, these houseplants have been selected as they are widely available and are straightforward to look after.

Pet safety disclaimer: Any plant labelled as 'Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets' are only toxic if ingested. Please carry out more research on any houseplant you are planning to purchase to ensure they are safe for your pet.

Cacti on windowsill in a line

Desert-tolerant Plants

Managed to put together a desert garden from an old candle holder, vase or simply display your cacti or succulents in individual small plant pots.  Such desert-tolerant plants include stone plants (Lithops spp.), Baseball plant  (Euphoria obesa) or the Zipper Plant  (Crassula lycopodioides). These plants only need watering twice a year maximum with the exception to the Zipper plant which will need watering once a week during spring through mid-Autumn. The plants within this display are not toxic to pets but the thorns are hazardous to them.

Keywords: low maintenance, small, diverse

Air plant

Air Plants

Air plant, Tillandsia spp. have been fixed to a piece of driftwood. A small but pretty display. In fact these plants can be fixed to any material and can even been added to a small jar or terrarium. These plants will need misting every three days, with submersion in lukewarm rainwater for about three hours twice a week during the summer and once a week during the spring, autumn and winter. These air plants within this display are not toxic to pets

Keywords: unusual, air purifying, moisture removing



One of the most unique things you can purchase or make for yourself is a terrarium, which is an enclosed container full of plants that is in essence its own ecosystem. You can see the daily changes of condensation on the inside of the container that relates to changes in sunlight. Generally, keep terrariums in indirect sunlight on a windowsill. Cleaned the glass once in a while to ensure no build-up of dust.

Keywords: low maintenance, ornamental, diverse

Mother-in-Law's Tongue

Mother-in-Law's Tongue

Mother-in-Law's Tongue plant or Sansevieria trifasciata is known to remove a number of pollutants from the air such as formaldehyde and benzene accordingtoa NASA study. This low maintenance plant thrives in the home. This plant likes being in indirect sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, tolerant, air purifying

Mother-of-a-Thousand plants


Mother-of-a-thousand or Bryophyllum daigremontianum reproduces asexually by making small plantlets that are clones of itself along its leaves seen here. This plant likes being in indirect sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: unusual, easy to propagate, hardy



The Shameplant or Mimosa pudica (pronounced like the cocktail) move their leaves when touched, known as a thigmotropic response to avoid predation. Just remember not to touch too many times as this will exhaust the plant and eventually kill it. This plant likes being in full sunlight with moist soil. This plant is non-toxic to pets. Please note that this plant will loose its leaves during the winter.

Keywords: unusual, tender, thorny

The Flaming Sword plant

Flaming Sword 

Meet the Flamimg Sword Bromeiliad, or Vriesea spenders is an evergreen shade tolerant epiphytic plant meaning they grow on other plants specifically trees. Native to Trinidad, parts of Venezuela and the Guianas, these plants form a small pond in their centre which attract tree frogs, which raise their young in them. The defecation from the frogs gives the plants a source of nitrogen high up in the trees. This Bromeiliad likes being in indirect sunlight with damp soil.  This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: hardy, bright, low maintenance

Stone plants in pot

Stone Plant

You can't get more alien in the plant world than these beautiful stone plants (Lithops spp.). Stone plants live in the hot deserts of South Africa and don't require much water. To see if they need water gently touch the top of the plants and see if they are hard. If so they do not need water. If soft they need watering, like with most succulents they will need watering from below. These plants are non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, unusual, diverse

Madagascar Palm

Madagascar Palm

Meet the Madagascar Palm or Pachypodium lamerei. This beautiful specimen can only be found in Madagascar and are actually a type of succulent and not a palm. They hold water in trunk and have long sharp thorns to prevent preditors from stealing their water. The Madagascan Palms like being in full sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: unusual, thorny, low maintenance

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

This lovely Aloe vera, also know as the Barbados Aloe is a succulent evergreen that is native to the Arabian peninsula. This plant as many know contains a soothing gel that helps with burns and skin irritation. Just pluck a leaf and snap in half to get the fresh gel. Aloes prefers being in full sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, unusual, medicinal

Peace Lily

Peace Lily

This is the Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum wallisii is a long-term staple in the houseplant world. This plant has been demonstrated to remove household air pollution such as benzene, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide as shown by a NASA study. This plant likes being in indirect sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, flowering, air purifying

Devil ivy leaf

Devil's Ivy

This is Devil's Ivy, Epipremnum aureum an evergreen climbering native to South East Asia. It is a prolific grower, spreading via aerial roots that develop along their stems. This plant can get up to 13 m long. Devil's Ivy prefers being in indirect sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: trailing or climbing, low maintenance, diverse

Chinese money plant

Chinese Money Plant

The Chinese Money Plant also known as the UFO Plant, Pilea perperomioides is a great addition to any household. They produce tiny clones of themselves at the base of their stem. Native to Southern China these plants are highly tolerant and are well suited to container life. They like being in indirect sunlight with moist soil. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: easy to propagate, low maintenance, hardy

Spider Plant

This beauty is the spider plant, Chlorophytum comosum which has been a houseplant staple since the 1970s. Native to parts of Africa, Asia and Australia this plant reproduces from its stems forming a fountain-like appearance. This plant likes being in indirect sunlight with moist soil. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: easy to propagate, low maintenance, air purifying

Hart's-Tongue Fern

Hart's-Tongue Fern

This fern known as Hart's-tongue, Asplenium scolopendrium has been a staple houseplant since the Victorian era. This unusual evergreen fern grows in semi-shade and likes high humidity making ideal for bathroom displays. This plant is non-toxic to plants.

Keywords: air purifying, low maintenance, tolerant

ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant

The ZZ Plant also known as the Zanzibar Gem (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a hardy glossy dark green leaf houseplant that grows well in low levels of light. The ZZ Plant is endemic to eastern parts of African, and is drought tolerant and can easily be propagated my leaf cuttings. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: tolerant, hardy, low maintenance

Madagascan Dragon Tree

Madagascan Dragon Tree

The Madagascan Dragon tree, Dracaena marginata is a great centrepiece for your house. This evergreen small tree can grow up to 5 m tall and requires full sun and sparse watering, where soil needs to dry out before watering. Please be warned that this plant may be toxic to some pets.

Keywords: hardy, tolerant, air purifying

African Milk Tree

The African Milk tree plant, Euphorbia trigona is a succulent that is native to parts of central Africa. In it's native environment it is grown as hedging. This plant does not require much watering, grows in full sunlight and is very tolerant to harsh conditions. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: unusual, low maintenance, tolerant

Long leaf fig

Long Leaf Fig

The long leaf fig, Ficus binnendijkii makes a great addition to any home. Fast growing and likes partial shade. Native to Southeast Asia these plants can grow up to 30 m tall but luckily it does not grow that tall in a plant pot. This plant likes being in indirect sunlight with damp soil. Please be warned that this plant is mildly toxic to some pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, tolerant, fast growing

Red Barrel Catcus

Red Barrel Catcus

The Red Barrel Catcus also know as the California Barrel Cactus, Ferocactus cylindraceus comes in many different types of colour. This common type of cactus is very hardy and drought tolerant. It loves full sun, being left alone and only needs water about twice year during the summer time from below. This plant is non-toxic to pets but the thorns can be hazardous to them.

Keywords: low maintenance, tolerant, thorny

Parlour palm

Parlour Palm

Meet the Parlour Palm or Bella Palm, Chamaedorea elegans which has been a beloved houseplant since the Victorians. This palm is native to parts of Mexico and Guatemala and is the most bought houseplant in the world. The Parlour Palm prefers being in indirect sunlight with moist soil. This plant is non-toxic to plants.

Keywords: low maintenance, air purifying, tolerant

Dwarf Umbrella Tree

Dwarf Umbrella Tree

Meet the Dwarf Umbrella tree also known as Octopus tree, Schefflera arboricola which has been bonsaied and placed on volcanic rock with a tray of water so that you can observe its roots. This plant is native to Taiwan, requires partial shade and can grow up to 3 m tall. Grown like this, the Dwarf Umbrella tree needs its water levels top up to about 1 cm from the rim. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: tolerant, low maintenance, diverse

Pineapple plant


This lovely plant is the pineapple, Ananas cosmosus which is indigenous to South America. Although they won't produce much in the way of fruit in the UK they're foliage is rather unique. They grow well in full sun, particularly South facing windowsills and only require the odd watering to keep the soil moist. This plant is non-toxic to pets along their leafs can irritate their skin.

Keywords: low maintenance, easy to propagate, foliage

Lavendar Step

Lavendar Step

Meet the Lavender Step or the Propeller Plant, Senecio crassissimus is an evergreen succulent shrub which is indigenous to Madagascar. This lovely plant needs full sun and requires a little water particularly during the winter. Please be warned that this plant may be toxic to pets.

Keywords: Low maintenance, fast growing, foliage

Swiss cheese plant

Swiss Cheese

This little plant is the Swiss cheese plant, also known as a split leaf philodendron, Monstera adansonii which is native to central America. This houseplant staple is a large-leaved climbing plant that uses aerial roots as vertical supports. This plant likes being grown in indirect sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant may be toxic to pets.

Keywords: fast growing, climbing or trailing, unusual foliage

Jade Plant

Jade Plant

Meet the Jade plant also known as the money plant or lucky plant, Crassula ovata is native to South Africa and parts of Mozambique. The Jade is able to retain water in its thick plastic-like leaves allowing it to thrive in dry, poorly developed soil. The Jade plant prefers full sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: slow growing, low maintenance, foliage

String-of-Pearls plant


This trailing plant is the String-of-Pearls, Senecio rowleyanus which is a perennial succulent vine native to parts of southwest Africa. In its native environment, its stems creep along the ground producing roots were they touch open soil to form thick mats of pearls. This plant likes being in indirect sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: trailing or climbing, low maintenance, diverse

African mask plant

African Mask 

This striking houseplant is called the Elephant Ear or the African Mask, Alocasia amazonica. This plant was actually hybridised in Florida by a nursary called Amazon which has caused much confusion over its origins. This plant loves high humidity and indirect sunlight. Please be warned that it is unlikely to flower when grown indoors in northern Europe. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: tender, foliage, diverse

Austral Gem Fern

Austral Gem Fern

This delight is the Austral (i.e. from Australia) Gem Fern otherwise known as the Bird's Nest Fern, Asplenium nidus which has been bound by some common moss to form this hanging piece of nature. This fern loves North facing or indirect sunlight and high humidity. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: air purifying, low maintenance, foliage

Wandering Jew Plant

Wandering Jew

This shiny trailer is the Wandering Jew or the Inch Plant, Tradescantia zebrina (referring to zebra stripes) is native to Eastern Mexico. This plant loves bright indirect light and relatively high humidity. Ideal for bathrooms, kitchens or hallways. The Wandering Jew prefers being in indirect sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to some pets.

Keywords: trailing, foliage, low maintenance

Propeller Plant

Propeller Plant

This little succlent is the Propeller plant or the Airplane plant, Crassula falcata which is native to South Africa. The foliage is a soft grey-green huge and can grow up to 60 cm tall. This plant prefers full sun and water sparsely. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: small, low maintenance, hardy

Staghorn Fern

Staghorn Fern

This lovely long leaf fern is the Staghorn Fern, Platycerium bifurcatum which grows on the bark of trees in areas of South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Guinea. This unusual fern, having long thin fronds likes partial sunlight, high humidity and damp soil. This fern is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: large, foliage, low maintenance

String-of-Hearts plant


This beautiful trailing houseplant is the Chain-of-Hearts or Ceropegia woodii, which is a flowering plant native to parts of South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. This succulent can grow up to 4 m long and prefers indirect light and moist soil. When this plant receives enough light its leaves will return a deep green, whereas if it doesn't receive enough light the leaves will turn a pale green light. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: trailing, foliage, fast growing

Fishbone Prayer Plant

Fishbone Prayer Plant

This striking houseplant is the Fishbone Prayer plant or the Never Never plant, Ctenanthe burle-marxii (referring to alternating stripped patterning on leaves) native to Brazil. This plant loves bright indirect sunlight and moist soil. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: large, foliage, low maintenance

Blue Star Fern

Blue Star Fern

This pretty fern is known as the Blue Star Fern, Phlebodium aureum 'Mandaianum' and is one of the easiest houseplants to care for. This fern is native to South America and loves indirect sunlight with high humidity so place in kitchen or bathroom. This fern is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, foliage, hardy



Under this miniature dome we have a garden of moss (aka mossery), which is an early form of non-flowering plant that lacks true roots. They reproduce via spores and live in high humid areas of the world. Humidity levels need to be kept high so misting may be necessary. Moss is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, air purifying, unusual

String-of-Dolphins plant


This lovely trailing plant is the String-of-Dolphins or String-of-Bananas, Senecio x peregrinus which is a succulent native to parts of South America. This plant loves to grow in semi-shade and moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, foliage, trailing

Polka Dot Begonia

Polka Dot Begonia

These spotted leaves belong to the Polka Dot Begonia or Begonia maculata, which is native to parts of Brazil. These evergreen perennials prefer to be kept in full indirect sunlight with moist soil, a little misting will also help keep their humidity levels up. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, foliage, diverse

Weeping Fig plant

Weeping Fig

Meet the Weeping Fig or Benjamin fig, Ficus benjamina is a classic houseplant native to parts of Southeast Asia and Australia. This plant is the official tree of Bangkok, and in its native habbitat grows up to 30 m tall. This fig prefers indirect sunlight and moist soil, ensure top 2 cm of soil dries out before watering. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to some pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, foliage, tolerant

Ponytail palm

Ponytail Palm

This little palm is the Ponytail Palm or the Elephant Foot Tree, Beaucarnea recurvata which despite its name is not a true palm or a tree but more related to succulents. Being native to parts of Mexico it prefers full sunlight although forgiving and semi-moist soil. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, unusual, hardy

Heart-leaf Philodendron

Heart-leaf Philodendron

This climbing dark velvety rich leafed plant belongs to the Heart-leaf Philodendron or Philodendron micans, which is native to parts of the Caribbean and Mexico. The Heart-leaf Philodendron grows well in indirect sunlight with moist but well-draining soil. This plant is toxic to some pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, trailing, foliage

Spanish Moss

This floof is Spanish Moss, Tillandsia usneoides which is an epiphytic (lives on other larger plants) flowering plant native to parts of the US, Mexico, Central America and South America. This air plant lacks roots and lives in humid forests where they absorb water from their silvery leaves and stems. Thoroughly mist or even better dunk in lukewarm rainwater every two days in the summer and every four days in the winter. Place in indirect sunlight. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, air purifying, unusual

English Ivy

English Ivy

This is common garden ivy or more internationally known as English Ivy, Hedra helix (referring to leaf shape) which is native to Europe and Western Asia. This is a very forgiving plant and can grow in a range of conditions but generally likes indirect sunlight and moist soil. Ivy makes a great coverage plant and grows rather fast. This plant prefers partial sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant can be toxic to some pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, air purifying, trailing

Umbrella Plant

Umbrella Plant

This is an Umbrella plant also known as Starleaf, Schefflera arboricola 'Gerda'. This plant is actually a tree that can grow up to 20 m tall in its natural habbitat of Southeast Asia. It is a very forgiving houseplant requiring indirect sunlight and moist soil; between watering leave soil to dry out. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, air purifying, diverse

African Fig plant

Rubber plant

This bushy plant is the common rubber plant, Ficus cyanthistipula which like its name suggests is native to the African continent. This plant is a potent air purifier and helps to maintain humidity levels in a room. The African Fig is a very forgiving plant and enjoys indirect sunlight and moist soil. Please be warned that this plant may be toxic to some pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, foliage, hardy

Corn plant

Corn Plant

This lovely plant is the Corn Plant, Dracaena fragrans which is endemic to parts of South Sudan, Mozambique, Côte d'Ivoire and Southwest to Angola. This very popular houseplant is well-known as a air purifier, very forgiving and likes indirect sunlight and moist soil. It also produces small white flowers that are very fragrant. The corn plant prefers partial sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant can be toxic to some pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, fast growing,, hardy

Paper plant

Paper Plant

This is the Paperplant or the False Caster Oil Plant, Fatsia japonica which like the name suggests is native to Japan as well as South Korea and Taiwan. This houseplant is very forgiving, produces beautiful glossy leaves and is fast growing. This plant likes arrange of conditions but prefers indirect semi-shade with moist soil. Be warned that this plant tends to consume lots of water. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: large, low maintenance, fast growing

Wax plant drapes

Trailing Wax Plant

This little plant is the Wax Plant or the Porcelain Plant, Hoya linearis has distinctive fuzzy long stems. This epiphytic succulent is endemic to the Himalayas and can trail for up to 2 m. Hoya prefers bright but indirect sunlight and moist soil and is easy to propagate from it stems. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: hardy, low maintenance, trailing

Trailing Sedum plant

Japanese Stonecrop

This compact little glossy green and red trailing plant is Sedum makinoi 'Tornado' which is native to Costa Rica. This plant is easy to look after, requires weekly watering and full sunlight. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: small, hardy, low maintenance

Hobbit Jade Plant

Hobbit Jade Plant

This is the Hobbit Jade, Crassula ovata 'Hobbit that is named after the creatures developed by JRR Tolkien. Another Tolkien influences is a Crassula cultivar called 'Gollum' which has redder more tubular tips. This plant is originally from South Africa and prefers full direct sunlight and moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, hardy, unusual

Dumbcane plant


This variegated plant is the Dumbcane Plat, Dieffenbachia seguine which is native to parts of Southern Mexico, Central and North parts of South America. The name refers to the liquid that is exuded from the leaves that if indigested causes a temporarily loss of speech so not good for children. This plant is an air purifier which absorbs moist directly through its leaves. Dumbcane loves indirect sunlight with moist soil. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: foliage, low maintenance, hardy

Curley Jade Plant

Curley Jade Plant

This crinkly plant is the Curley Jade Plant or the Money Plant, Crassula Undulata which is native to parts of South Africa and Mozambique. This plant is easy to care for needing full sunlight and moist soil, ensure soil dries out between watering. If not pruned this succulent will form a small bonsai tree shape, with thickened stems. Please be warned that this plant is toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, hardy, foliage

Dracaena Tree

Dracaena Tree

This is a rather young glossy-leaf Dracaena tree, Dracaena deremensis 'Lisa' which is endemic to Southeast Africa. This is a low maintenance tree that requires indirect sunlight and moist soil. Although ensure soil dries out between watering. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: slow growing, low maintenance, hardy

Pink quill plant

Pink Quill

This bright plant is the Pink Quill, Wallisia cyanea which originally comes from the rainforest of Ecuador. The Pink Quill which is a type of Bromeiliad grows amongst the tree tops and prefers indirect sunlight, moist low nutrient soil and relatively high humidity. The flower is striking formed of paddle-shaped spikes of about 20 pink bracts with violet flowers. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: hardy, bright, low maintenance

Bromeiliad plant


This is a common type of Bromeiliad, Guzmania lingulata 'Scarlet Star' that native to rainforest in parts of Central America, northern and central South America, Southern Mexico and the West Indies. This plant grows high in the trees and collects water at the base of its leaves and flowers. Bromeiliads are typically pollinated by birds particularly the humming bird. This plant prefers partial sunlight with damp soil. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: foliage, low maintenance, tolerant

Moth Orchird

Moth Orchid

This is a Moth Orchid, Phalaenopsis spp. which is apart of a large and highly diverse family, comprising of up to 30,000 species found in most tropical parts of the world. Orchids are epiphytic, growing on trees and have highly complex floral arrangements and a means of attracting pollinators. Some species such as the bee orchid have flowers that mimic females bees including their scent so that the male ones mate with the flower and take the pollinate. Orchids generally like indirect sunlight and moist bark of which they are typical grown in for households. Misting leaves is also beneficial. The flowers can last up to six months. Be warned that their flowers don't have scent. This plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: slow growing, long flowering period, low maintenance

Chinese Jade Plant

Chinese Jade Plant

This little black hedgehog-like succulent, known as Chinese Jade or Sinocrassula yunnanensis is not surprisingly from Southwestern parts of Chinese. This plant prefers full sunlight with sparse watering. Please be warned that this plant can be toxic to pets.

Keywords: low maintenance, foliage, tolerant

Aztec Cactus

Aztec Cactus

This unusual catcus is known as the Aztec cactus or Aztekium ritteri, which like the name suggests is native to the deserts of Mexico. This cactus has some spikes along its crinkly form. Like most catci, the Aztec catcus prefers full sun and only needs watering twice a year. This plant is non-toxic to pets but the spikes can be hazardous to them.

Keywords: low maintenance, hardy, unusual

Prayer Plant

Here we can see a large type of Prayer Plant or Calathea orbifolia, which is native to parts of Bolivia. This houseplant well grow well in semi-shade, a place where humidity is high and with moist but well-draining soil. Please note that this plant is non-toxic to pets.

Keywords: diverse, air purifying, foliage



This is pretty houseplant is a Yucca, Yucca filamentosa. These evergreen shrubs are native to parts of Central America and the Caribbean. The Yucca prefers full sunlight and moist soil although will tolerate partial shade. Please be warned that this plant may be toxic to pets.

Keywords: slow growing, low maintenance, hardy

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